Get a Detailed Portrait of Your CRE with a PCA

Whether it be part of due diligence or budgeting for capital planning, a CREtelligent Property Condition Assessment (PCA) is an important tool. A PCA examines an asset’s condition, from its foundation to its interior and exterior finishes, framing, roofing, HVAC, and electrical systems. Our PCAs also provide reasonable estimates for the remaining useful life and costs for immediately needed repairs, as well as costs associated with maintaining the property over a specified term.

  • Follows the industry-accepted guidelines of ASTM E2018
  • On-site assessment of the condition of the property, from the lawn to the roof, including any improvements
  • Interviews with persons knowledgeable about the property’s history and maintenance, local permitting authorities, and others
  • Review of available plans, drawings, receipts, warranties, proposals, etc related to the property
  • Recommendations for immediate repairs and anticipated long-term capital replacements, and opinions of cost for each
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